
Canon g1000 resetter service tool
Canon g1000 resetter service tool

There are several methods to fix error code 006 service tool when resetting canon printer, hope it will be helpful. On Windows, click next when “New device” appears. After 10 seconds, reinstall the cable to the printer.

  • Disconnect the USB cable from the printer.
  • If the error is still here, restart the device.
  • After you click on “Main”, wait a few minutes.
  • Check your cartridges, empty cartridges can cause error code 006 service tool.
  • Some other solutions that need to be considered if the error code 006 service tool occurs are:
  • If the printer has stopped on the green led, you can immediately run the resetter software again.
  • the computer will detect new hardware, just ignore it. the green led will blink briefly then it will turn on full.
  • Then release the power button & resume simultaneously.
  • canon g1000 resetter service tool

    The LED will turn orange green alternately with the last orange flame.

  • While the power button is still pressed, press the resume button 6x and hold both.
  • Then release the resume button, don’t release the power button.
  • Press & hold the resume button then press the power button until the green led lights up.
  • The printer is turned off and the power cable is installed.
  • canon g1000 resetter service tool

    Service Tool is most commonly used to reset the waste ink counter value when the waste ink absorber is full, based on the numerous examples we’ve. then if the driver is installed, run the resetter program again, just click reload, but before you run the resetter software, the printer must be manually reset first by: Canon Service Tool is a program for servicing and resetting Canon printers after replacing parts like ink absorbents, print heads, and printer mainboards. According to my experience, if when we run the resetter program an error code 006 service tool appears, the solution is that the installed driver must be clear and must be the main driver series.

    Canon g1000 resetter service tool